速報APP / 健康塑身 / NoObesity: Family

NoObesity: Family





版本需求:Android 4.3 以上版本




NoObesity: Family(圖1)-速報App

Do you feel that your family could be healthier, perhaps eating a better diet or

exercising a little more? This app is here to help. Developed by Health Education England, the

NoObesity: Family(圖2)-速報App

NoObesity: Family app allows families to set achievable health goals, identify barriers that might stop

them and strategies to overcome these barriers. Families can then record their progress and access

NoObesity: Family(圖3)-速報App

parenting tips for additional advice and support in the home. The app will enhance and enable your

family with knowledge and skills to support your own well being.

NoObesity: Family(圖4)-速報App

There is a companion NoObesity: Professional app which health and care workers in the UK will be using.

If you choose, this app can be linked, via a QR code, to your NoObesity Family app. When you link

NoObesity: Family(圖5)-速報App

accounts with the health and care workers you come into contact with, they will see your goals and

progress and so will be better able to tailor the support they provide to you. This will help you to achieve

NoObesity: Family(圖6)-速報App

the health goals that are important to your family. For example, this could be during a GP consultation

or a visit to the local children’s centre. When you link accounts the health and care worker will see

NoObesity: Family(圖7)-速報App

● Your family name

● Your family survey

NoObesity: Family(圖8)-速報App

● Your goals, barriers and progress

● Your points, awards, level and ranking

They will not see your family photos or any other information about you. You can unlink apps at any
